Solo Performance

I do around 200 gigs a year, playing music at weddings, corporate events, clubs, theme parks, I’m always learning, refining and seeking to entertain.

In addition to performing with several Bands, Duos, and Trios, I perform solo as an acoustic guitarist/Singer and as an instrumental performer playing finger-style arrangements of classic songs and performing with a looper.

I love taking requests, Interacting with the Audience and Making sure that people have a good time.

contact me @

or instagram @toddmccool


REEL w/Vocals

Instrumental Reel 

SongList:  (always a list in progress)   

Beatles, Elvis, Bobby Darin, Billy Joel, John Mayer, Tom Petty, Frank Sinatra, Morgan Wallen, Neil Diamond, James Taylor, and much more…


i also take requests and will play just about anything (jazz, rock, pop, country)


REEL w/Vocals 

Instrumental Reel …or click any song title below to see the Clip

Sweet Caroline Live
Friends in low places Live
Wonderwall live
Shape of you
Take on me (snippet w/ a full band)
Tainted love
Chicken fried Live
Here Comes the Sun_Ukulele
Somewhere Over the Rainbow_Ukulele